智能商标检索 智能商标图形检索  电话:0531-82020531 18605319531 15315580556
鐧藉厰鍟嗘爣杞欢 鐧藉厰鍟嗘爣鏌ヨ杞欢 鍟嗘爣鏌ヨ杞欢 鍟嗘爣杞欢 鍟嗘爣鏌ヨ 鍟嗘爣妗f 鍟嗘爣绯荤粺 鍟嗘爣绠$悊
1 2 3 4 5 6
3501 广告材料起草 Advertisement material drafting 
3501 广告策划 advertisement plan 
3501 广告设计 advertising devise 
3502 商业调查 business investigations 
3502 商业管理辅助 business management assistance 
3502 商业信息 Business information 350062 贸易业务的专业咨询 Consultancy (Professional 
3502 组织商业或广告展览 Exhibitions (Organization of –) for commercial or advertising purposes 
3502 经济预测 Economic forecasting 
3502 商业专业咨询 Business consultancy (Professional –) 
3502 市场营销研究  
3502 商业管理顾问 Management (Advisory services for business –) 
3502 公共关系 public relations 
3502 饭店商业管理 Business management of hotels 
3502 商业组织咨询 business organization consulting 
3502 组织商业或广告交易会 Organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes 
3502 商业评估 business appraisals 
3502 市场分析 marketing studies 
3502 经营效率专家服务 efficiency experts 
3502 工商管理辅助 commercial or industrial management assistance 
3502 商业管理咨询 business management consulting 
3502 商业管理和组织咨询 business management and organization consulting 
3502 成本价格分析 cost price analysis 
3502 商业信息代理 Information agencies (Commercial –) 
3502 商业询价 business inquiries 
3502 商业研究 business research 
3502 为建筑项目进行商业项目管理服务 business project management services for construction projects 
3502 组织技术展览 organizing technology 
3502 投标报价 bid and tender price 
3502 替他人进行商业合同谈判  
3502 公共关系传播策略咨询  
3502 为需要资金的企业匹配潜在投资人的商业中介服务  
3502 消费者忠诚度计划管理  
3502 飞行常客计划管理  
3502 补偿项目的商业管理(替他人)  
3502 民意测验 Opinion polling 
3502 通过网站提供商业信息 providing business information via a web site 
3502 为广告或销售组织时装展览 Organizing fashion show for advertisement or selling 
3502 为第三方进行商业贸易的谈判和缔约 negotiation and conclusion of commercial transactions for third parties 
3502 商业中介服务 commercial intermediation services 
3502 提供商业和商务联系信息 provision of commercial and business contact information 
3502 为广告宣传目的组织时装表演 Fashion shows for promotional purposes (Organization of -) 
3502 统计资料汇编 Compilation of statistics 
3502 外购服务(商业辅助) Assistance (Business management –) 
3502 特许经营的商业管理 Commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others 
3502 为消费者提供商业信息和建议(消费者建议机构) Commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop] 
3502 价格比较服务 Price comparing service 
3502 为公司提供外包行政管理  
3503 为商品和服务的买卖双方提供在线市场  
3503 电话市场营销 Telemarketing services 
3503 市场营销 Marketing 
3503 替他人采购(替其他企业购买商品或服务) Procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses] 
3503 替他人推销 Sales promotion [for others] 
3503 拍卖 auctioneering 
3503 进出口代理 import-export agencies 
3504 为挑选人才而进行的心理测试 Testing (Psychological -) for the selection of personnel 与第七版及以前版本4203心理测试服务交叉检索
3504 演员的商业管理 Artists (Business management of performing –) 
3504 人员招收 Personnel recruitment 
3504 人事管理咨询 personnel management consulting 
3504 职业介绍  
3504 表演艺术家经纪 artist brokerexhibition 与3605经纪类似
3504 自由职业者的商业管理 business management for freelance service providers 
3504 运动员的商业管理 Business management of sports people 
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